For starters, I really love Dr. Bronners soap ;)
I agree that no one should have the power to require others to not embrace during a prayer or even for a group to hold hands. I grew up in a big family (there were 8 of us living at home at one point). We always held hands at meetings and we took up the whole row. I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, I always thought it was loving for a man to put his arm around his wife during a prayer or song. As a little girl I couldn't wait for the day when I had my own husband to show me the same love.
They don't have the right to make these decisions for people. There are so many different views and consciences out there. It should be up to each and every individual to make their own decisions on how to do their hair, wear their clothes, etc. etc. the Watchtower seeks to make everyones decisions for them. It's ridiculous.
I'm reading Steven Hassans Book on How to Combat Cult Mind Control and I'm blown away with the similarities of WAtchtower and other cult techniques. I read last night that Cults make so many decisions for you that you really lose a lot of the ability to make your own decisions. I remember calling up an older friend when I was in high school to ask him if we believed in Dinosaurs!! I knew that there have been bones upon bones found and all the scientific research was an obvious yes. Duh! but if he would have told me no, that the Watchtower stated in such and such arcticle that dinosaurs couldn't have possibly been on the planet, I would have believed them instead. Maybe it was worse because I was raised in.. I got used to believing things without evidence. I certainly don't think I'm a stupid person, it's just a nasty affect of being in such a controlled group.
But anyhow, I think this kind of thing in the Watchtower is clearly designed to control and unify the rank and file members to create a sense of reliance on the group and a sense of unity. It's always something new. Now if you see people embracing at a meeting, the automatic response is "Obviously they are rebelious, They must have missed that meeting or They must be weak". You either follow their directions or you become a "fringe" member to be cautious of. Sure you have some "freedom" of choice.. but certainly not without consequences. So is that really free?? Maybe not.